Own manufacturing of water treatment systems

I'mWATER - Desalination Plants (SWRO&BWRO) in Containers and Skids

As a leading company in Compact and Modular water treatment systems in Containers or Skids, ImWater is specialized in the design and manufacturing of Desalination Plants and Drinking Water Systems, and carrying out the whole process, from basic engineering, design, manufacturing and supply, to transportation, installation at destination, start-up and training.

Since we act directly in all the phases of the process, and after more than 15 years of experience in managing water and designing and manufacturing compact modular water treatment plants, we are one of the most important water treatment companies operating in the Middle East region, Africa and America, and we can provide you with the best customized solution for your needs, both for industrial facilities, Hotels&Resorts, Vessels of for small and medium-sized populations.

Containerized and Modular Water Systems

Since we manage the whole water life cycle, I'mWATER can offer innovative and sustainable products and desalination plants, reducing energy consumption and chemical products use in every stage of the process, and reducing the environmental impact of the water treatment process. We have extensive facilities to carry out all kinds of projects by our own, thus controlling all the phases of every project and being able to implement our minimal impact policy on every process.

Our Strengths


ImWATER belongs to an important industrial group, with more than 50 years of experience in developing industrial and environmental projects and designing water treatment plants.

Multidisciplinar engineering

We count with an important group of industrial, chemical, and electrical engineers that allow you to deal with all kind of water treatment projects, anywhere in the world.

Projects for development

ImWater develops projects both for drinkable water purification and waste water treatment systems, which are used in many developing countries in all kinds of projects.


In addition to executing projects related to water purification systems and water treatment plants, we guarantee the continued and efficient provision of our installations.


One of our main characteristics is that, in addition to designing and sizing the Desalination and Potabilization Plants in general, the company has its own manufacturing workshops, located 1.5 km from the Port of El Musel – Gijón, one of the main ones of the North Coasts of Spain. The company has manufacturinig workshops with different overhead cranes with lifting capacities of up to 30 tons. storage area, materials park, painting cabine, etc. that add up to a total of…


We develop all our projects and processes under the Quality Standard ISO 9001: 2000, carrying out a continuous quality assurance process that involves all our personnel, internal processes and products.



Im Water offices around the world:


Our central offices and factory are located at 489, Cam. de Lloreda a la Picota, 33211 Gijón, Asturias, Spain.



Bandera de Emiratos

Arab Emirates Office

We have offices in Dubai.


We have offices in Dakar.


Peru Office

We have a delegation in Lima. Contact:

Bandera zambia

Zambia office

We have offices in Lusaka.

Our water treatment services

Personalized installations:

We count on highly qualified staff to carry out any kind of hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical installation, for different types of water treatment systems and plants.

More about Water treatment installatons

Maintenance services:

Our experts can provide you with any kind of one-time or periodical maintenances for any water treatment system, no matter if its for our own systems or for third-party ones.

More about Water Treatment Systems Maintenance

FAQS about Water plants treatment:

What is a water plant treatment?

What are the four types of water treatment plants?

What are the 5 stages of water treatment?

How many water treatment plants are there in UAE?


© 2023 ImWater
Camino de Lloreda a la Picota 489
33211 Gijón – Asturias – España
Tlf. +34  985 320 877
Oficina Islas Canarias
Calle Atxoña nº 9, San Isidro, 38611, Granadilla de Abona, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Fabricante homologado CSC Asociación Latinoamericana de desalación y reúso de agua Asociación Latinoamericana de desalación y reúso de agua
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